We’ve funded a partnership with HACT, the National Lottery Community Fund, Clarion Futures and South Yorkshire Housing, along with 13 other UK social landlords ...
Procurement organisation Fusion21 has announced the suppliers successfully appointed to its national Refurbishment, Construction, New Build and Modular Building...
We’ve funded the HACT 2023 Fuel Fund, a new wave of fuel vouchers providing social housing residents with support beyond the cold winters.
Fourteen unemployed Merseyside residents are being retrained in much needed green skills to help local businesses and lead decarbonisation in the region.
This webinar launch event provided valuable insights into the scope of service, the range of suppliers as well as the flexible call-off and procurement service ...
Generous businesses teamed up with charities fighting food poverty in an innovative project part-funded by the Fusion21 Foundation.
A regular visitor to construction sites for us, Clare Connolly believes early education could help to inspire more women to become “Beth the Builder”.
We have announced the suppliers successfully appointed to our national Painting, Decorating, and Associated Repairs Framework worth up to £125 million over a fo...
The Fusion21 Foundation is helping homeless young people in London access crucial mental health support. Set up as a registered charity, to help build brighter ...
A new free online handbook has been launched to help those supporting and advising people with mental health problems to access and claim benefits. Created by C...