Your opinion matters; we’re always here for your feedback.
It helps us progress in a way that benefits you. So we’re always listening.
Recently, you told us a few things about our site. It made us realise that it wasn’t serving you in the best possible way.
The solution?
Use your feedback as a baseline for significant improvements across the site.
Keep reading to learn more about the changes we’ve made to make your online experience with Fusion21 more efficient and easier than ever before.
What you said
When you gave us feedback on our website, you told us that:
This insight was incredibly useful. It gave us specific areas to focus on in terms of creating better experiences on our website. So, we quickly launched into action.
What we did
First, we redesigned our website and refreshed our content, focusing on improving clarity, accessibility, and personalisation.
For the design, we created:
This helped us provide greater efficiency and accessibility around our procurement solutions that deliver commercially excellent and socially impactful projects.
For the web copy, we:
Improved copywriting ensured critical information is seamless to find and understand.
But that isn’t where the work ended.
We’ve also integrated the Lifecycle Model into our website project. Putting it simply, it emphasises our flexibility in servicing your needs, including:
How does this look in practice?
Take a look at our procurement page. We’ve restructured it so it’s much easier for our members in the public sector to identify the scope of their work and the areas we can help with.
Now you should be able to clearly see the services, sectors and solutions we operate within and also how we can drive social value into your project.
What’s next?
We don’t just want to improve your experience on our website. We want to make it perfect.
As such, there’s still work to be done.
We recently formed a small user testing group made up of some of our members. They’ve provided feedback for the new site, and we’re in the process of applying their suggestions.
We’re also continuing our work on enhancing your entire digital journey with Fusion21 so we can provide you with the best possible service.
This includes managing our interactions with you more effectively and improving the onboarding process for new members.
A huge part of this will be better segmentation.
No more generalised communication. In the future, every single interaction between us will be tailored to create a richer, more valuable experience.
Have your say
While it’s still a work in progress, our new site is live. Check it out.
We’d love to hear what you think. When you visit our site, look out for the pop-up survey - it’s an easy way for you to send us your feedback!
Also, you can always get in touch with us via email. If there’s something we can do to improve your overall experience as a member or supplier, send your thoughts to