Fusion21 invites bids for £250 million Materials Supply and Associated Services Framework

We have announced the renewal of our national Materials Supply and Associated Services Framework, worth up to £250 million over four years, and are now inviting bids from interested suppliers providing regional, or national coverage.
Designed to supply construction materials to housing providers, as well as the wider public sector, managing the delivery of repairs and maintenance works, the framework can accommodate multi-year contracts and will provide access to all goods required throughout the property life cycle.
Offering innovation in technology and service delivery solutions, and a new lot for ‘Adapted and Accessible Living’, the framework will assist members in achieving greater operational efficiencies, in addition to improving first-time fix performance.
Split into a total of 6 lots, the structure is:
Lot 1 General Building Materials
Lot 2 Electrical
Lot 3 Plumbing and Heating
Lot 4 Managed Services
Lot 5 Kitchens
Lot 6 Adapted and Accessible Living
Peter Francis, Group Executive Director (Operations) at Fusion21 said: “In response to member and supplier feedback, our streamlined offer launches in September 2024, enabling the housing and wider public sector to manage built assets effectively, while enhancing business performance.
“The renewal of the framework includes both energy-efficient and net-zero products and can implement contracts that support innovation and net-zero ambitions, having a positive impact on communities and the wider environment.
“Providing a compliant framework, the refreshed offer has a variety of cost models and flexible call-off options and as with all of Fusion21’s frameworks, the Materials Supply and Associated Services Framework will help members to deliver social value they can see in communities, aligned with their organisational priorities.”
Tender applications are welcome from interested organisations that meet the criteria set out in the tender documentation, now available on the Delta e-Sourcing Portal via the following link: https://hubs.li/Q02wm2190
The submission deadline is Friday 14 June 2024 at 10am.