Fusion21 Announces £250 Million Repairs and Maintenance Framework

We have announced the launch of our national Repairs and Maintenance Framework worth up to £250 million over a four-year period and are now inviting bids from interested SMEs and contractors.
Specifically designed to support housing associations and local authorities the framework will offer a wide range of reactive works and services covering responsive and out-of-hours reactive emergency repairs, void property repairs, and outsourced call handling on a 24/7 or out-of-hours basis.
Empty property refurbishment, improvement, and security services are also included in the framework, in addition to the delivery of housing disrepair and remedial works.
Split into 5 lots, the structure is:
Lot 1 Responsive Repairs and Maintenance (worth up to £180 million)
Lot 2 Empty Property Refurbishment (worth up to £22.5 million)
Lot 3 Empty Property Security (worth up to £10 million)
Lot 4 Housing Disrepair Works (worth up to £36 million)
Lot 5 Contract Centre Services (worth up to £1.5 million)
Peter Francis, Executive Director of Operations at Fusion21 said: “Set for launch in September 2022 and developed in response to member and supply chain feedback, we’re delighted this framework now encompasses all aspects of repairs, maintenance, property refurbishment, and security works in one place.
“Recent figures have highlighted housing associations are spending around £5.4 billion a year on repairs and maintenance services. We expect both demand and investment in this area to continue to grow, as the sector continues to recover from the pandemic tackling back-log repairs and disrepair works, while also striving to deliver best practice and increase customer satisfaction within communities.
“Our refreshed offer will provide a compliant, efficient, and quality performing framework with members able to benefit from greater cost efficiencies in addition to flexible call-off options – including direct award and geographical coverage across the UK down to a regional and local level. As with all of Fusion21’s frameworks, the Repairs and Maintenance Framework will also support members to deliver social value to their communities, aligned to their organisational priorities.”
Applications are welcome from interested organisations that meet the criteria set out in the tender documentation, now available on the Delta e-Sourcing Portal via the following link – https://www.delta-esourcing.com/delta/respondToList.html?accessCode=3N63J9B9HB