1 Coastline, 2 Best Friends and 3 Great Nations

Here at Fusion21, we encourage staff to go the extra mile and are lucky to work with such fantastic and thoughtful people. Let’s hear from Chris our Framework Manager (Building Safety & Compliance).
I’m Chris and I've decided that now is the time for my mid-life adventure/crisis to begin.
My idea for doing an epic walk started with an ambition I have to complete the Camino de Santiago - A 800Km walk across northern Spain. Due to the complications associated with having a dog in tow (and my dubious Spanish-speaking skills), I decided to tackle a challenge closer to home.
So in 2018, I decided that walking the entire coastline of mainland Britain would be a brilliant idea.
It wasn’t so long after that the planning began, the bag was packed, tenancy relinquished, and my dog (Moose) harnessed up. We set off from Portishead, just south of Bristol, on 19 June 2018 and began walking anticlockwise around the coastline, wild-camping as we went, and I had a 12-month hiatus in which to fulfil this ambition. Alas, we only managed to make it as far as Berwick Upon Tweed, which marks the Anglo/Scott border on the east coast of Britain, which was just under the halfway-round mark. Since then I’ve been nibbling away at it using annual leave with the hope of one day getting back to Portishead (ideally before my legs fall off or I die of old age).
In that spirit, I have a week booked off this July and myself and Moose, although he doesn’t know it yet, will be picking up where we left off, coastal walking from the town of McDuff, down through Inverness, and then north to wherever we end up getting to.
They say variety is the spice of life - and as such, I've decided to support not just one, but three charities – Thistle Foundation, For Refugees, and Bath Cat & Dogs Home.
We wish Chris and Moose the best of luck as they embark on an epic adventure to traverse the coastline of mainland Britain, whilst raising money & awareness for some fantastic charities.
Follow along their journey and find out more here: www.chrisandmoose.co.uk