Having recognised the fuel poverty challenges being faced by residents, the City of Lincoln Council accessed our Decarbonisation Framework to procure a two-year...
One hundred and forty homes across Merseyside are being given green makeovers to make them more energy efficient and slash bills.
Social housing provider VIVID has accessed our Decarbonisation Framework to deliver a comprehensive retrofit programme to improve the energy efficiency of 397 h...
A total of 250 homes across West Lancashire are undergoing improvements to increase the energy efficiency of homes and reduce carbon emissions.
Manchester Metropolitan University is making significant strides towards sustainability by decarbonising the Energy Centre at Birley Fields.
A contract procured through our Grounds Maintenance Framework has given a work placement student the chance to learn new skills and develop a career. Fusion21 s...
Grounds maintenance and landscaping company John O’Conner has made a positive difference to residents of Fusion21 member Newlon Housing Trust, delivering social...
Fusion21 supplier Ashley & McDonough Compliance Services has supported final year technical students from Bury College to gain practical work experience, al...
A pipefitter who had to “learn how to walk again” after being thrown from his motorcycle in a career-ending accident has been given a fresh start by Fusion21 su...